
Know About Lupus Nephritis For Its Best Treatment

From time immemorial, when life began on earth, humans dominated the ecosystem and are known as the alpha predator. Apart from having remarkable cognitive abilities, your body also possesses a primitive system of defence that lets them survive in various environmental and biological stresses- that is something we call the immune system. The immune system is the nexus of several cells, tissues, organs, and other substances that act as your body's soldiers and fight against various infections and other diseases that try to interfere with the functioning of your body. But certain environmental and biological stresses can compromise your body's immunity by weakening your immune system, and it stops functioning properly. What happens when the immune system stops functioning? Your immune system helps your body fight against various infections, bacteria, and other dangerous invaders that can make you sick. Without it, even a common cold, fever, or flu can majorly affect your health be...